We dined in an establishment proudly boasting that they serve as much local produce as possible called Ratcliffe on the Green. It was quite good, our only complaint was that there were too many richy-rich items on the menu like fish stuffed with foie and wrapped in bacon! I ordered it and it was magical, but all those additions ruin the purpose of ordering fish, wouldn't you say?
The strolling and shopping scene is happening in the neighborhood called Chantilly (...Lace and a Purty Face...yes that song was on a tape loop in my head the entire time there). There are a handful of cute shops and a few restaurants - enough that you can spend a good hour, including eating lunch, toodling around.
Then we were off to Eastland Mall where our good friend Katie Spade was having a shoe sale - there were a number of styles for only $50! Good grief, lady - what are you doing to me?
The next day we drove out to Concord Mills which has an Off 5th (the Saks "outlet") which was running a "buy more than one item, get the second 50% off." Well shoot, more shoes here I come! If it wasn't officially official before that I had enough, it certainly should be at this point.
My current favorites are the KS lemon metallic flats (pictured below) - I mean, how could I resist?