Saturday, August 15, 2009

Celebrating Real Food, Fashionably

I am quite proud of a volunteer effort I started with a group of people right after I moved to town -- Slow Food Columbia, a local chapter of the national non-profit organization Slow Food USA that supports good, clean and fair food.

We've held two fabulous fundraising events at Terra Restaurant, my favorite restaurant in this city, partnered with the University (on workshops and soon the come, the farmers market) and the All-Local Farmers Market, and hosted food tastings and potlucks. Recently, an article ran in The State paper, our local pub, about Slow Food Columbia with a big ol' photo of me in front of the All-Local Farmers Market sign. I was both proud and embarrassed, but mainly happy for the PR it gave our chapter.

But my real claim to fame in relation to Slow Food Columbia came a day after the big event at Terra, and it was this: The Shop Tart blogged about my outfit! Full disclosure (and as you will note if you read her post): we have the same dress. But she liked my belt! This is my own personal favorite 15 minutes of fame, people!

1 comment:

stellaforstar said...

OMG is that the Target dress I have been seeing everywhere??? I want one.
Also, that was Amy's vintage necklace I spied, no?

How come I don't live in Cola where all the fabulous people are?