Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Schmockin and Jivin

Happy New Year, fashionistas! Did we all come up with some good resolutions like (1) never pay retail and (2) always pay attention to what you're wearing and (3) try to give more women compliments? Oh wait, those are mine but if you need to take one or two and run with them, well be my guest.

I have a few interesting tid-bits to share from Columbia, South Carolina (or Cola as the locals refer to it).

- Schmocking, or smocking as it may be written, is uber-popular in South Carolina, as is monogramming.

- Hand Picked has maybe the best selection of sterling silver earrings I have ever experienced. The website doesn't really do it justice (too much junk, not enough sterling!), but you may find a nice little item to monogram: Behandpicked.com

- Janie Quinn makes super cute belts (and babies - Michael is a peanut)! Check out her site: PerfectlyWaisted.com

1 comment:

miss vintage love said...

LOVE your resolutions, I definitely agree with them all!