Tuesday, January 05, 2010

To Whom It May Social Media-ly Concern

Dear friends,

Starting in 2010 I will not be a fan of your business if I have never interacted with your business (shopped there, eaten there, experienced your services, etc.). Also, if I've only met you once, I will likely not become your friend the next day...unless we bonded, in which case yes, I will. If I met you at a business event, I will indeed connect with you the next day on LinkedIn cuz that's for business networking.

I won't be connecting my Twitter and Facebook statuses because I think they are two different audiences. However, I am considering connecting Twitter and LinkedIn, so please stay tuned.

Also, I actively maintain all three social media venues so I expect you to do the same. I'm not going to pester you via the actual platform, so please read this post to the end so that you read this part too.

And finally, on good advice from DA, when I see you face-to-face I will not be referring to things I posted online unless you bring them up. Well, ok, I might occasionally bring some of those things up, but that only means I feel very strongly about them (recent news, politics, a sale that's going on, etc.). Actual time together is indeed just that.

Your friend, online and off,


1 comment:

katebalt said...

Looking forward to 2010, but not the cold of DE...BRRRRRR. Can you help me?? I need warm/cute winter boots-any advice?

Thanks friend!